GUTTA*CORE™ crosslinked gutta-percha core obturator 20

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1514.0 грн.
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Cold gutta-percha cone convenience, Warm fill confidence
Superior 3D fills
• The hydraulic force sends warm Gutta-Percha flowing equally in 3 dimensions
• Centrally compacted Gutta-Percha creates predictable and consistent 3D fills that follows curves, finds accessory canals and flows into isthmuses
• GUTTACORE® offers a superior 3D fill with the ease of a single insertion

 Ease of retreatment
• Because it is made entirely of gutta-percha, no plastic core is left behind in the root canal
• The obturator's core comes out efficiently, saving you time and hassle
Post space simplified
• Fast and easy to create post space
• Post drills engage and easily remove the obturation material
Navigate the most challenging canals with confidence

• Superior 3D fill
• Excellent radiopacity
• Easy retreatment
• Post space simplified
• Easily fills the shape created by today's files
• Safe and biocompatible
• Predictable results
• Delivers all the efficiencies and the convenience you expect
• Heated in seconds, placed in seconds, removed in seconds
