Насадка Proultra endo tips titanium 6, різьба - EMS

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Endodontic and Microsurgical Ultrasonic Instruments
The advantages of ProUltra tips:
• Patented contra-angled feature enhances access to all teeth
• Abrasive coating increases efficiency and precision
• Patented parallel wall design improves vision and safety
• Increasing lengths and decreasing diameters promotes procedural success
• Titanium instruments provide unsurpassed access in restrictive areas
• Have been designed to work dry to enhance vision and safety.
In general, ProUltra Endo instruments 3-5 and 6-8 have progressively longer lengths and smaller diameters to afford procedural access and safety when working in the coronal middle and apical one-thirds of the roots.
The ProUltra surgical instrument selected is dependent on the required surgical access, the radicular anatomy and the procedure being performed.
