24.10.2019. Bausch Academy educational program.«COMPETENCE IN OCCLUSION» Dental Ukraine - 2019. Lviv

XVII international dental exhibition 
"Dental®-Ukraine" and XVII International Dental Forum 
October 23-25, 2019 
Palace of Arts (17, Kopernik St., Lviv, Uktaine
Conference room №4

09-00 - 10-00 Registration of participants

10:00 - 13:00 Peter Bausch

Born in 1963, trained as an export trader of 1984-1986. Study of the chemistry of 1986-1987 in Cologne. Study of food technology from 1987 - 1989 at the Technical University of Munich at Weihenstephan. Personally liable partner in Dr.Jean Bausch GmbH & Co. KG since 1990. From 1990, responsible for product development and intensive research in the field of coating paper and film.
Online Training (distance learning) Lackrostoffe, polymer chemistry, polymer physics and colloid chemistry in cooperation with the University of Paderborn / Niederrhein University 26.04.2004 - 18.07.2004
Participation in numerous international exhibitions and symposia for dental medicine, especially in the field of functional diagnostics

Occlusion - State of Art Summary- Interaction between mandible joints and spine - State of the Art.
In program:
- Concepts of Occlusion
- Influence of Occlusion
- Tools for visualizing Occlusion
- Basic techniques for establishing a centric relation of the mandible
- State of Art  - How important is Occlusion ? Summary of clinical researches.
- Demonstration of the new Digital Occlusal Sensor OccluSense based on some patient cases
All topics will be visualized with graphic 3D Animations
13-00  13-40 Coffee break
13-40  15-40 Michał Paulo
2015 – present TMJ Dysfunction private practice in Rzeszów
2016 PhD thesis defense
2014 - present Postgraduate School of Aesthetic Medicine /Polish medical Association/- Year I
2015 – 2016 Postgraduate School of Coaching and art of NLP
2005 - 2010 Medical University of Lublin I Faculty of Medicine with Dentistry Divisio
In program:
MDTD philosophy
Composite rehabilitation of TMJs problem.
Occlusal adjustment in daily practice.
MDTD philosophy - part I: Composite rehabilitation of TMJs problem
All participants will get information about modern technique of TMJs rehabilitation using composite restoration. This material helps to adjust occlusion to new conditions of rehabilitated TMJs in a very predicible and quick way. This rehabilitation is a good cheep alternative for indirect crowns and bridges. It is also a way to observe and react is there is problem with parafunctions or mistakes in a made restorations.
MDTD philosophy - part II: Occlusal adjustment in daily practice
The most important step in dental rehabilitation is a adjustment of all made restorations and fillings. The participants will get informations about authors protocol of occlusal adjustment and articulating papers and foils. Participants will also get information about MP-scan method and electronic alternative of occlusal registration.
Use of the MP-scan method for diagnostic purposes,
medical documentation, patient communication and dental technician laboratory
Patient examination in basic, rapid diagnostic version. How to properly interview the patient and what to pay
attention to?
Which factors influence the occurrence of TMJ’s disorders? Which systemic diseases affect the TMJ’s disorders?
How to choose a articulating paper for right clinical procedure?
Composite restoration only for temporary restorations?
15:40  16:00 Questions and Answers

Price: 1000 hrn

Registration by phone:
(098) 800 26 86, (032) 259 04 40
Pre-registration is required.
The number of participants is limited.
Fill out the form below.

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